Establishment of Legal Aid Clinic in MUJ

Sep 8, 2018

Establishment of Legal Aid Clinic in MUJ

The Legal Aid Clinic was established by School of Law, Manipal with Legal Service Authority Jaipur Metropolitan, Jaipur on Sept, 08 2018 .The objective of legal aid clinic is to provide free legal services the counseling & providing procedures necessary to meet the ends of justice. It awareness & educate people about their civil & political rights and how to exercise them in best available way under the limits of law.The following measures were taken to meet the motives of legal aid clinic-

  • Disposal of cases by the  Lok Adalats.
  • Publicity to Legal Aid Schemes and programs to make people aware about legal aid facilities.
  • Legal aid stations  
  • Dr. Vijay Laxmi Sharma in-charge of the process of public participation in the work of the committee facilitated with the help of volunteers and ably assisted by faculty coordinators. The committee launched its first clinic in the rural hinterland of Bagru (a rural area deprived of legal awareness and facilities). The noble exercise amassed the participation of all primary and secondary schools in the vicinity. The exercise got the support and expertise in form of paralegal's participation in creating awareness drives and presentations of common social welfare legislations among the common citizens.

    The legal aid clinic not only became significantly received tremendous encouragement which is visible by the magnitude of problems registered the committee, 60 to be precise. The paralegals and committee members along with the active participation of students have already resolved 10 such matters and are under the process of resolution. Paralegals have been strongly advised to prepare their presentations in Hindi as well as in local dialects too for the purpose of imparting effective awareness at rural levels for the next such drives.

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