
Manipal University Jaipur aims to provide globally accepted education of a high standard. In all programmes of study, great emphasis is placed on the use of modern communication technology to impart quality education to students. The University follows an efficient and flexible semester system with continuous and comprehensive evaluation. Each semester of study has minimum requirements of number of course credits that must be taken. Each course is defined in terms of contact hours, by lectures, tutorials and/or practical sessions. Student performance is continuously assessed in all courses, based on class/tutorial participation, assignment work, lab work, class tests, in semester tests, quizzes and end semester examinations, which contribute to the final grade awarded in the course.

Information to the Students

Guidelines for Processing all type of Certificates

Dear Students,


It is advised to all concerned to adhere the following guidelines for Application/Processing of all type of Certificates:

a). Students who have not undergone the no dues/clearance formalities are advised to get their No dues cleared before applying for the Original Degree Certificate at the earliest.

b). Students are advised to follow the below link to download the application form and make the online payment for the same. Despatching of original documents also shall be done through courier; hence courier charges also must be borne by the applicant. Charges for the domestic and international courier for other certificates would be ₹ 300/- and ₹ 1500/- respectively. For the degree certificates, domestic courier charges shall be ₹ 600/-. Entire payments mentioned above (including documents/courier) need to be made online (through UPI/Paytm) https://jaipur.manipal.edu/muj/pay-fee-online.php

c). Once the payment is confirmed its receipt along with the application form duly filled by the candidate, must be mailed to exam.store@jaipur.manipal.edu for processing the same.

Link for downloading the application form - Application Formats

d). We assure that the students shall be replied or communicated or shared the updates on the application process/completion within 48 working hours from the receipt of their application.

Details on Documentation Fees, Application procedure and Collection Points for different certificates

Particulars Fee Required Documents  / Procedure To be Collected From
Official Transcript  (Academic Consolidated Statement) Rs. 500 1. Application Form duly forwarded by the concerned  HoD
2.  Original fee payment receipt.
COE Office
Additional Official Transcript  (Academic Consolidated Statement) Rs. 100/Copy COE Office
Provisional Pass Certificate Rs. 200 COE Office
Migration Certificate Rs. 100 COE Office
Duplicate /Reissue Original Degree Rs. 1000 (a)  Original affidavit in a Rs. 100  stamp paper
(b)  FIR of the relevant document lost.
COE Office
Duplicate/Reissue Migration Rs. 100 (a)  Original affidavit in a Rs. 100  stamp paper
(b)  FIR of the relevant document lost.
COE Office
Duplicate/Reissue Grade Sheets Rs. 100 each (a)  Original affidavit in a Rs. 100  stamp paper
(b)  FIR of the relevant document lost.
COE Office
Courier/ Postage Charges Rs. 300 (Within India),
Rs. 1500 (Outside India)
Couriuer payment receipt for the document COE Office
Courier/ Postage Charges for Degree Certificate Rs.600 (2020 onwards Degree Certificate) Couriuer payment receipt for the document COE Office
Provisional Grade Report Card - - COE Office
Revised Grade Report Card - Photocopy of Grade Report Card Those students clearing the examination/s through make-up must approach the office CoE for their revised grade-card/s; this document is issued on request basis only. COE Office
Backlog Certificate - - COE Office
Course Completion Certificate - - COE Office
Bonafide Certificate - - Registrar Office
Equivalence Certificate - Click Here MUJ Website
Certificate for MLC - Click Here MUJ Website
GPA And CGPA Calculation Process - Click Here MUJ Website
Migration Equivalent  - Click Here MUJ Website
Medium of Instruction Certificate - Click Here MUJ Website
Grade Report Card (Semester Wise) - - Concerned Department
Make  Up Application Rs. 1000/Course Online form submission after Notification Concerned Department

Examination Schedule

Make Up Examination- Feb 2025 (For B. Tech 1st Year)

Make Up Examinations- Jan 2025

End Term Examination- Jan 2025 (For M. Tech 1st Year)

End Term Examination- Jan 2025 (For B. Tech 1st Year)

End Term Examination- December 2024 (For Higher Semesters & Non-Engineering 1st Year)

Make UP Examination July-2024




Notification for Makeup Applications- Even Semester July 2023 (EVEN Semester Courses Only)

Make-up Examinations in even semester courses July 2023 are scheduled as below

Higher even semester courses (courses of IV, VI, VIII, X – excludes the courses run in summer semester):
July 03 – July 14, 2023.

II semester courses (includes the courses of summer semester):
July 20 – July 28, 2023.

The Make-up Examination registration in EVEN semester courses will be enabled in DMS portal (https://mujslcm.jaipur.manipal.edu:122/) by 10th June 2023.  Only the students having the backlogs (F or I grade) in the EVEN semester courses are eligible (in case of B.Tech., 1st year,  courses of Physics cycle also the courses of Chemistry cycle EXCEPT MA1101-Engineering Mathematics-I) to apply. 

  1. The time-table shall be known through the respective department examination coordinators during the last week of June 2023.
  2. The following are notified in this regard

              a.   Fee Payable: Rs. 1000/- per course,

              b.   Last date of Registration: June 18, 2023 (the registration portal gets auto locked by 11:59 pm of June 18, 2023)


In case of any query please contact your department examination coordinator/examination cell at exam.cell@jaipur.manipal.edu.

E-PAD: The Custom Built Examination Writing Device

Examination Cell, Manipal University Jaipur introduced ‘E-Pads - The Custom Built Examination Writing Device for B.Tech 1st Year students for the academic year 2019-20. Three days training session for students and faculties were organized followed by three days practice sessions. The examination cell has also conducted two-days MOCK test before the 1st Sessional Examination.

About E-Pads

E-Pads are custom build exam writing devices which are biometric and completely secure. It will enhance the student’s exam-taking experience and will empower the Controller of Examinations (CoE) with more control over security & logistics. The evaluation process will also improve by increasing efficiency & accuracy of marking by evaluators.

During exams, the writing devices do not require power as they have 14 hours backup built-in. The writing devices never connect to the Internet directly for highly secure exam environment. Students does not need to bring anything to exam hall – No Admit Card, Pens, Pencils, Color pens, Scales, Protractors, etc, as it is already in-built. The PEXA Cloud is a completely secure environment, accessible only by authorized personnel, on a role based user access model. Access can be restricted to named IPs 5 Customizable exam processes. It is easily configure PEXA Cloud, to support existing exam processes.

Trainings Conducted

  1. Students Training: - August 26-27, 2019 two-sessions each per day of 250 students,
  2. Faculty Training: - August 28-29, 2019 two-sessions of two hours.
  3. E-pads for student practice August 28-30 Room no-22 (AB1) and for August 31, Sep 01 and Sep 02 Room no – 08, 09 & 22 of 1AB.
  4. Mock Test on the E-pads for specific courses on September 03-04, 2019

Conduction of all Examinations on E Pads for the B.Tech Ist year was smooth and successful.

National Academics Depository (NAD) Registration

National Academic Depository (NAD) would be an online store house of academic awards (degrees, diplomas, certificates, mark-sheets, etc.) lodged by the academic institutions/boards/eligibility assessment bodies in a digital format. lt will be on the 24x7 online mode for making available academic awards and shall help in validating their authenticity, their safe storage and easy retrieval. NAD shall comprise of two interoperable digital depositories namely NSDL Database Management Limited (NDML) and CDSL Ventures Limited (cVL). These digital depositories shall keep the academic awards in the digital format and ensure data integrity.

The vision of National Academic Depository (NAD) is born out of an initiative to provide an online store house of all academic awards. National Academic Depository (NAD) is a 24X7 online store house of all academic awards viz. certificates, diplomas, degrees, mark-sheets etc. duly digitized and lodged by academic institutions / boards / eligibility assessment bodies. NAD not only ensures easy access to and retrieval of an academic award but also validates and guarantees its authenticity and safe storage.

For using NAD service, students supposed to create their profile either through.

Online Aadhaar Verification:

a. visit https://resident.uidai.gov.in/offline-kyc link where the students must submit the 12-digit Aadhaar number and click on send OTP,

b. Received OTP on Mobile phone to be submitted to get the further option which must be filled, and final Offline KYC zip file is downloaded,

c. Remember the 4-digit password for offline KYC document upload

d. Visit the https://cvl.nad.co.in/NAD/home.action# and select Sign-up from the menu tab and select student,

e. The page prompt for either OFFLINE KYC or NON-Aadhaar, select OFFLINE Aadhaar and further select I agree from the pop-up window,

f. The page prompt for the Offline KYC file zip file generate in step B and the 4-digit password, submit and click NEXT,

g. If information is correct it asks for Personal and University details, kindly fill the name of the university as MANIPAL UNIVERSITY JAIPUR and click submit,

h. The NAD number is generated on successful submission of the information which is required during the time of registration for A.Y. 2020-21.

Non-Aadhaar Registration:

a. before clicking the weblink please ensure that you have an active email id, active phone number, scanned copy of the signature, scanned copy of passport size photograph. Note, active email id, the active phone number is necessary for receiving OTP and completion of the registration process.

b. will redirect to the following page: https://cvl.nad.co.in/NAD/studentInit.action?activePage=regactstudentInits

c. Submits the necessary information and finally the NAD number is generated. After this process you’ll receive your NAD id. on your Registered email id and phone number.

Weblink of ABC page:


Weblink of digiLocker page:


MOOC Courses

A. Swayam online courses

Operational Guidelines for SWAYAM Coordinator/Mentor SWAYAM Coordinator/Mentor are requested to undertake the following: -

1. Provide the link of SWAYAM Portal (www.swayam.gov.in) on the university/College website.

2. Kindly check whether your university has adopted MOOCs Courses for Credit Transfer. If not, then request the university to adopt the MOOCs Courses offered on SWAYAM Platform as per the UGC (Credit Framework for online courses through SWAYAM) Regulations 2016. A step by step procedure involved in adoption of MOOCs course by University is enclosed for your reference.

3. Encourage more and more students from your respective University/College for MOOCs Course registration and spread awareness by displaying the list of UG & PG MOOCs Courses at prominent places i.e. University/college Notice Board, Canteen, Mess, Hostel, Main gate of University/college.

4. Monitoring the progress of students who have registered on SWAYAM Platform from your University/College.

5. Ensure timely submission of assignments by the Students before due date.

6. Ensure students registration for examination once the SWAYAM Portal is open for exam registration.

7. Provide the link of (http://ugcmoocs.inflibnet.ac.in/ugcmoocs/video_gallery.php) soft copy of the poster, radio jingles & TVCs (in 10 Indian languages) prepared by UGC on the University Website.

8. Create awareness about the UG & PG MOOCs Courses being offered on the SWAYAM Platform, through the Social Media: -

i. Create a Facebook/twitter/ Instagram Page of your university for SWAYAM Courses and provide the link of Facebook/twitter/ Instagram Page on your university notice board and other prominent places so that it reaches students. along with UGC official twitter account: @ugc india and MHRD official twitter account: @HRDMinistry.

ii. Share the SWAYAM Courses details on these Social networking pages by tagging along UGC official twitter account: @ugc_india and MHRD official twitter account: @HRDMinistry.

iii. Send Press releases to your local newspapers regarding the SWAYAM Courses.

Click Here to download Operational Guidelines for SWAYAM Coordinator Mentor

B. Coursera online courses

Coursera was founded in 2012 by two Stanford computer science professors with a vision to provide anyone, anywhere with access to the world’s best education. Today, Coursera has expanded to reach more than 48 million people and 2,200 businesses around the world. On Coursera you can find online courses, Specializations, certificates and degrees from 200 world-class universities and companies, including: Yale, University of Pennsylvania, Google, IBM, and more.


  • Manipal University Jaipur is running “Coursera@MUJ” program from January 2019. We have provided 3000 learner licenses to our students and faculty at free of cost.
  • 675 courses completed by Faculties.
  • 8229 courses completed by Students.
  • Credit Based Courses
  • Total MUJ Courses: 07 (1 CSE; 1 CCE; 1 ME; 1 AU; 2 IT; 1 Bioscience)
  • 4 Department Elective & 3 Core Courses.
  • 12 Coursera Courses mapped to these MUJ courses.
  • 17 Faculties were involved in this Credit Based Courses.

Click Here to download guidelines about how to access coursera.

Contact Us

Dr. Dasari Nagaraju
Controller of Examinations(CoE)
Phone: 0141-3999100, (Extn: 204)

Dr. Ashish Kumar
Deputy CoE
Phone: 0141-3999100, (Extn: 573)

Dr. Pooja Sharma
Deputy CoE
Phone: 0141-3999100, (Extn: 231)

Mrs. Kuntal Gaur
Assistant CoE
Phone: 0141-3999100, (Extn: 340)

Mr Mohit Kumar Sharma
Assistant CoE
Phone: 0141-3999100, (Extn: 635)

Dr. Vini Kewaliya
Assistant CoE
Phone: 0141-3999100, (Extn: 641)

Mr. Khagendra Poudyal
Assistant CoE
Phone: 0141-3999100, (Extn: 642)

Mr. Rajesh Jain
Phone: 0141-3999100,

Mr. Alok Sharma
Phone: 0141-3999100,

Mr. Shiv Charan Singh
Process Associate-I
Phone: 0141-3999100, (Extn: 371)

Mr. Bhagwan Sahai Sharma
Process Associate-II
Phone: 0141-3999100, (Extn: 737)
Email:bhagwan.sahai@jaipur.manipal.edu, exam.helpdesk@jaipur.manipal.edu

Mr. Ashok Sharma
Process Associate -III
Phone: 0141-3999100,

Mr. Ravi Jangir
Process Associate - III
Phone: 0141-3999100,

Mr. Brijendra Singh Maurya
Sr. Assistant - III
Phone: 0141-3999100,

Mr. Sushil Kumar Dixit
Jr. Assistant - I
Phone: 0141-3999100,

Mr. Goverdhan Singh
Jr. Assistant - III
Phone: 0141-3999100, (Extn: 218)

Mr. Tejasvi Phann
Jr. Storekeeper- III
Phone: 0141-3999100, (Extn: 737)

Enquire Now