The Department of Mechatronics Engineering is offering B. Tech in Mechatronics engineering and Robotics and AI. The department is also offering M. Tech in Industrial Automation and robotics . The programs in Department of Mechatronics Engineering are designed by considering the industrial requirements and to provide expertise in multidisciplinary skills. The department has got a team of extremely qualified faculty members, majority having PhD degree in Engineering from the top institutes/universities around the globe, to teach the most excellent minds of the nation. The department has advanced facilities and infrastructure, facilitating cutting edge research and development in a broad spectrum of scientific and technological areas. Department also provides exposure of the students to various state of art fields in mechatronics by organizing seminars, webinars, workshops, symposiums, and other co-curricular activities.


Global excellence in Mechatronics domain to provide comprehensive solution for industrial advancements and societal challenges.


  • Impart value-based education to fulfil industrial needs by nurturing inter-disciplinary knowledge for enhancing academic and professional excellence.
  • Provide with state-of-the-art academic and research facilities, fostering humanistic values and peer teaching-learning approach for enhancing employability and entrepreneurship skills.
  • Encourage inter-disciplinary approach to foster research and innovative ideas for smart Mechatronics system by experiential learning.
  • Provide opportunity to exhibit and enhance lifelong learning skills with ethical values and social relevance.






Faculty MembersHolding PhD








Robotics Lab

The purpose of the robotics lab is to introduce pupils to how a robot operates in general. After receiving training on a number of general robots, students will be able to develop robots with specific purposes by applying the abilities they have gained in other labs and makes the students to understand the basic principle of robotics and AI with the help of multiple robotics platforms, such as TurtleBot, Khepara IV Robot, UR-6 Axis Robot, Lego kits, and computational intelligence software. These configurations in a lab. enhance their skills as per industrial requirements. They also explore the world of robotics with the hands-on experience using micro-controllers (Arduino, RPi and NVIDIA Jetson-Neno) when integrated with sensors, actuators, and camera. The robotics lab also equipped with virtual simulation platform such as ROS, Webots, and MATLAB. Students will be allowed to implement their skills learned in other labs such as AI, embedded and control lab to design special purpose robots.

Industrial Automation Lab

This lab provides instruction in industrial automation, including specialised training on the hardware and software needed to automate business and industrial applications. Candidates receive training on automation tools like PLC to monitor and control their equipment and plant. Flexible controllers with technology features and sophisticated configurations are available in labs. Programes are created to improve the participants' knowledge of the fundamentals of hardware & programming and servicing.

Sensoric Lab

Bosch Rexroth parts have been used to build the Sensoric Lab. The equipment in this lab, which includes various kinds of industrial-grade proximity sensors, hydraulic servo and proportional valves, motors, and different kinds of actuators with various accessories, serves as a platform for learning and research aimed at advancing knowledge of industrial automation and control applications.

Details Of Project/Paper Work Completed
  • Kumawat, Ashok Kumar, Raja Rout, Renu Kumawat, and Manish Rawat. "Discrete-Time Constrained Controller for Proportional Directional Control Valve-Based Electrohydraulic System With Parametric Uncertainty and Disturbances." Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 145, no. 7 (2023).
  • Kumawat, Ashok Kumar, Raja Rout, Renu Kumawat, and Manish Rawat. "Design of an optimal tracking controller with unmeasured states for electro-hydraulic actuation system using 4/3 proportional DC valve." International Journal of Automation and Control 17, no. 4 (2023): 418-439.
  • Kumawat, Ashok Kumar, Raja Rout, Renu Kumawat, and Manish Rawat. "Design of an optimal tracking controller with unmeasured states for electro-hydraulic actuation system using 4/3 proportional DC valve." International Journal of Automation and Control 17, no. 4 (2023): 418-439.
  • Kumawat, Ashok Kumar, Renu Kumawat, Manish Rawat, and Raja Rout. "Real time position control of electrohydraulic system using PID controller." Materials Today: Proceedings 47 (2021): 2966-2969.
  • Nemade, Prasad, and Ashok Kumar Kumawat. "Interfacing of Industrial Inductive Proximity Sensor with NI DAQ and Speed Measurement." In International Conference on Communication, Devices and Networking, pp. 119-126. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.
  • S. Samadi and A. K. Kumawat, "IoT Enabled Low-Cost Real-Time Remote Air Quality Monitoring and Forecasting System," 2023 International Conference on Device Intelligence, Computing and Communication Technologies, (DICCT), Dehradun, India, 2023, pp. 253-258
  • Kumawat, Ashok Kumar, Manish Rawat, Renu Kumawat, and Raja Rout. "14 A Review of Nonlinear Control for Electrohydraulic Actuator System in Automation." Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering: Theoretical and Advanced Technologies (2021): 229.
  • Anand, Gokulnath, and Ashok Kumar Kumawat. "Object detection and position tracking in real time using Raspberry Pi." Materials Today: Proceedings 47 (2021): 3221-3226.

IoT and Fab Lab

Experiments are designed based on these three equipment: Arduino, Raspberry Pi and 3D printer. The students would be able to know about modern-day technologies (learning and hand on) and tools employed in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) education such us robotics, 3D printing and mobile technologies using Arduino and RPi applications. It provides a platform to access the environment, the skills, the materials, and the advanced technology.


Objective of Lab

  • To become familiar with basics of programming in assembly language in 8085A
  • Understanding the different microprocessor and microcontroller architectures in terms of programming.
  • To understand basic concepts of microcontroller 8051
  • To understand various interfacing circuits necessary for various application.

Description of Laboratory

  • Understand and apply the fundamentals of assembly level and high-level programming of microprocessors and microcontrollers. Work with standard 8085 microprocessor and 8051 microcontroller with real time interfaces including GPIO, serial ports, stepper motor etc. Troubleshoot interactions between software and hardware

Major Equipment of laboratory

  • 8051 Microcontroller Nvis 5001 A
  • Advanced 8085 Microprocessor Nv 5585 A
  • Advanced 8086 Microprocessor Nv 5586 A
  • Pic Microcontroller Nv 5002
  • Arm 7 Development Board Kit

Robotics & AI Lab

The Robotics and AI Lab of Department of Mechatronics Engineering has a dynamic environment dedicated to the research and development of robotics technology. This cutting-edge facility serves as a hub for research, development, and experimentation, encouraging collaboration among engineers and scientists. The lab, which is outfitted with cutting-edge hardware and software, serves as an innovation playground, transforming ideas into tangible robotic systems. The Robotics Lab's researchers study a wide range of topics, including autonomous navigation, machine learning, computer vision, and human-robot interaction. The facility promotes interdisciplinary collaboration, bringing together experts from various fields to address complex challenges and advance robotics. In this ever-changing space, the Robotics Lab not only shapes the current state of robotics but also lays the groundwork for a future in which intelligent machines seamlessly integrate into our daily lives, making significant contributions to fields as diverse as manufacturing and assistive technologies.

Robotics and Drone Lab

At MUJ, Robotics and Drone Lab is an innovative hub focused on the intersection of design thinking, robotics, and artificial intelligence (AI). This dynamic space acts as a creative crucible, guiding ideas through a synthesis of cutting-edge design principles and advanced technological solutions. The lab's mission revolves around the seamless integration of mathematical modelling and functionality into robotics and artificial intelligence. The lab's emphasis on human-centered design ensures that the technologies developed meet real-world needs and expectations. The facility is outfitted with cutting-edge modelling tools and simulation software, allowing researchers to fine-tune their designs and test the capabilities of AI-powered algorithms. This iterative process accelerates the creation of intelligent systems that can adapt to a variety of environments and tasks. The Design and Modelling Lab's interdisciplinary approach promotes the integration of creativity and technological expertise. The lab pioneers solutions that break down traditional boundaries by combining design thinking with the precision of robotics and artificial intelligence. From assistive robots to seamlessly integrated smart environments, the lab's innovations promise to reshape the landscape of human-robot interaction and artificial intelligence applications, ushering in a future in which form and function coexist harmoniously




Science and Engineering Research Board Grant of f Rs. 4741264/-

Financial Sanction of the research project titled Computational Study of Nanoalloy Clusters for Potential Applications in Energy Sector under the guidance of Dr.Prabhat Ranjan, Mechatronics Engineering, Manipal University, Jaipur

Science and Engineering Research Board Grant of f Rs. 55688/-

Reimbursement of Travel grant to Dr. Princy Randhawa, Mechatronics department, Manipal University Jaipur

‘GTC Registration & Attendance Awards program - NVIDIA GTC to Dr. krishna Kant Pandey

‘GTC Registration & Attendance Awards program - NVIDIA GTC | March 21-23, 2023 run by RP-Tech. Dr. krishna Kant Pandey being awarded an “NVIDIA Jetson “, as one of the top 30 in the list ( the top 13-50 bracket) who has met the program condition.

Silver Award in Innovative Design Competition

Mr. Samarth Saleem has won Silver Award in Innovative Design Competition organised by Faculty Teknologi Kejuruteraan Mekanikal dan Automotif on April 25, 2023 held at Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah.

3rd Prize at KPIT Sparkle

Pimpari chinchwad college of engineering Pune with KPIT sparkle organized innovation challege in which Himanish Bhattacharya and teamhas secured 3rd prize

2nd Prize (basketball)

Mrunalini Ghadge has secured 3rd prize at National level inter collge/university sports fest

3rd Prize (1500 m, athletics)

Mrunalini Ghadge has secured 3rd prize in 1500 m athletics National level inter collge/university sports fest Magnus organized by JGU

1st prize (100 m, athletics)

Mrunalini Ghadge has secured 1st prize at National sports day celebration organized by Manipal university Jaipur


Exploring the unexplored

The areas of research include:
• Intercultural Philosophy • Eco-Philosophy • Technology and Human Values • Cross-cultural Philosophy of Religion • Peace Studies • Physical Education and Sports • Exercise Physiology • Sports Psychology • Sports Biomechanics • Health Education • Sports Management

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