The Department of Information Technology was established with a single aim to foster an excellent academic and research environment for budding engineers eager to dig into the realm of IT domain. Understanding the rapid pace of technological advancements and industry expectations, the course curriculum is frequently updated, drawing insights from contemporary industry trends. This ensures that the students are not only well-equipped with foundational knowledge but are also at the forefront of current IT advancements. The state-of-the-art lab facilities provide a hands-on approach to learning, while our team of highly qualified, experienced, and dedicated staff members ensures that each student receives the mentorship and guidance necessary to excel in their chosen field. Outside of the traditional classroom setting, the students are encouraged to join and participate in activities organized by our dedicated student clubs such as LearnIT, ACM, and IEEE. The student dedicated clubs provide invaluable opportunities for students to network, collaborate on projects, and enhance their skills in real-world scenarios. Furthermore, the department is strengthened by robust collaborations with industry and academic partners, underscored by our multiple Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs). These strategic partnerships allow for industry-focused training sessions, internships, and workshops, ensuring our students are industry-ready by the time they graduate.


To achieve global excellence in higher education, research and human development by adapting innovations in IT domain.


  • To become the most inspirational department among the students and engineering aspirants who want to pursue their career in the field of Information Technology.
  • To foster academic, research, and professional excellence within the domain of Information Technology.
  • To transform young minds into competent IT professionals imbibing strong moral values.






Faculty MembersHolding PhD








*From academic session 2025-26, admissions will be offered for B. Tech Computer Science & Engineering. At the end of second year, students have a choice to select a specialization in Cyber Security, if they desire. The specialization will be based on the student performance.

TEACHING FACULTY View all faculties



High End Programming Lab (Lab-001)

The High-End Programming Lab is a state-of-the-art lab used for Lab Experiments, Research, conducting Workshops and FDPs in AI&ML, Deep Learning, MATLAB etc. The lab is equipped with 60 computer systems and 5 GPUs. The Lab's hardware includes HP 200 Pro G4 22 ALL -IN-ONE PCs (49), HP ProOne 240 23.8-inch G9 All-in-One Desktop PCs (11), and Graphics Processing Units (5) which are powerful and reliable machines for running demanding software applications. The Lab is also facilitates with a Smart Television (65’’) for displaying presentations, programming panels and videos to a large group of students. The Celebal Technologies has established Centre of Excellence to train the students on latest technologies. All the systems have high-speed internet connectivity.

Web Technology Lab (Lab-007)

The Web Technology Lab used for Web Application Development and Network Programming. The lab is equipped with 30 computer systems having LENOVO V310Z ALL -IN-ONE PC (30), which are powerful and reliable machines for running demanding software applications like NetSim 13.0. All the systems have high-speed internet connectivity

ERP (SAP) Lab (Lab-009)

SAP (ERP) lab is a high-resource computing lab with 38 high-end systems. It is one of the main programming labs of the Department of IT designed to serve as a resource for different programming courses that are a part of the student curriculum.

Embedded Systems Lab (Lab-103)

The Embedded Systems Lab (CIDCR) is dedicated for academic as well as research activities. The laboratory is equipped with 30 computer systems which are powerful and reliable machines for running demanding software applications. The laboratory included the major subjects like operating systems, RDBMS, Big Data Analytics etc. The laboratory also having EEG device which is dedicated for research scholars and faculties. All the systems have high-speed internet connectivity.

Data Science lab (Lab-303)

The Data Science Lab is a dynamic hub for students and researchers. The lab is equipped with 38 computer systems powered by Altair tools which fosters innovation, offering an extensive suite of data analytics, machine learning, and simulation. Students in this laboratory are engaged in IT projects, lectures, and hands-on experiments. They harness Altair's capabilities for predictive modelling, optimization, and data analysis. This facility serves as an incubator for academic research and practical applications, bridging the gap between theory and real-world projects. All the systems have high-speed internet connectivity.

Programming Lab (Lab-003)

Programming languages are used by the programmer to interact with the computers. In the Programming Lab, students learn to convert algorithms into programs that the computer can run. This process consists of a set of symbols, programs, and rules. The laboratory is equipped with 30 computer systems which required for students to develop strong practical and technical abilities in a variety of programming languages, including C, Java, and UNIX/Linux shell scripting. The lab facilitates students with hands-on projects and assignments-based learning.

Data Structures and Algorithms Lab (Lab-109)

The Data Structures and Algorithms Lab is a state-of-the-art facility with valuable resource for students and researchers alike. The lab is equipped with 35 computer systems: HP200 Pro G4 22 All-In-One PCs, which are powerful and reliable machines for running demanding software applications. The lab has variety of software for teaching and research in Data Structures, Algorithms, Deep Learning, AIML, Data Science, and Design and Analysis of Algorithms. The Lab's hardware includes The Lab also has a BANQ Projector for displaying presentations and videos to large groups of students.




Hackathon Competetion (MNIT Jaipur)

3rd Rank in 24 hour coding hackathon at MNIT Jaipur.

Ryla 23 Malang-A Frolic Fusion

First position in Ryla 23 Malang-A Frolic Fusion at OP Jindal Global University.

National Sports Fest SPARDHA

Winner of the National Sports Fest SPARDHA at JK Lakshmipat University.

Taekwondo Championship 2022-23

Silver Medal under 87 wt category male at Telengana State University.

TMA Pai Merit based Scholarship

Mr. Shivam Kumar was awarded the prestigious Dr. TMA PAI MERIT BASED SCHOLARSHIP[100%].

Taekwondo Championship 2023

Silver Medal Rangareddy District Poomsae Senior Male at Taekwondo Championshi-2023.

Jaipur Su-Vira Perfly Badminton Tournament

Winner of the Mix Double Jaipur Su-Vira Perfly Badminton Tournament at Play First Sports Academy.

Invited talk on Artificial Intelligence

Dr. Devesh Kumar Srivastava and Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Sharma invited for for the discussion on academic and research in AI from Dr. Phayung Masad to visit the Dept of IT , KMUTNB Notrth Bangkok Thailand.

Best Faculty Award

Dr. Pratishtha Mathur received Best Faculty Award from Institute of Technical and Scientific Research and Institution of Engineers, Rajasthan State Centre, Jaipur.

Best Faculty Award

Ms. Samaranika Mohapatra received Best Teacher Award of the ITSR Foundation Award-2023, in association with Institute of Engineers(India), Rajasthan State Center, Jaipur(Rajasthan),India.


Exploring the unexplored

The areas of research include:
• Intercultural Philosophy • Eco-Philosophy • Technology and Human Values • Cross-cultural Philosophy of Religion • Peace Studies • Physical Education and Sports • Exercise Physiology • Sports Psychology • Sports Biomechanics • Health Education • Sports Management

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