The Department of Interior Design under Faculty of Design is offering Master's in Design (Interior Design) and Bachelor of Design (Interior Design) programme focusing on multidisciplinary growth of an individual. This course through its pedagogical approach intends to build abilities in students to propose and conceptualize design solution through integration of professional practices, material research, aesthetics, design thinking and changing technologies. This course allows students to become a competent and competitive professional in a very aggressive market by providing them the exposure through field trips, industry visits, hands on experience, live installation sessions, workshops, seminars etc. We provide world-class design education with our committed faculty, international collaborations, industry connect and state of the art infrastructure. These resources and research framework clubbed with excellent learning environment nurture the students to excel on the field leading to have work opportunities in India and abroad in sectors like: Hotels and Resorts, Housing, Retail, Educational Institutions, Offices, Heritage, Recreation, Hospitals.


Global leadership in innovative and sustainable interior design education


  • Achieve excellence in education & drive collaborative research in Interior Design.
  • Fostering creativity and adaptability for successful interior design careers.
  • Transform young minds into competent professionals in the field of design & allied sectors with strong human values.






Faculty MembersHolding PhD








Furniture Workshop

Department of Interior Design initiated its furniture workshop in the year 2019 by faculty coordinator Ar. Akshita Joshi. The ever-evolving infrastructure and state of the art, machinery available in the lab facilitates student working and enables conversion of their concept into tangible reality.

The laboratory assistant, Mr. Tilak Raj Rajotiya is an experienced carpenter and takes the role of students’ mentor while helping them actualize their designs

Material Museum

The Material Museum is a comprehensive facility dedicated to building supplies like plumbing, lighting, electrical equipment, and materials used in construction.

This collaborative environment with architecture gives students essential real-world experience and hands-on learning opportunities, encouraging creativity and innovation in the industry.

Construction Yard

Interior design students delve into hands-on construction processes, equipment operation, and material handling. With state-of-the-art facilities, students gain practical expertise, honing their skills in real-world scenarios.

This construction yard is the perfect playground for fostering creativity and mastering the art of interior design construction.

Model Making Workshop

A model-making Lab is a collaborative space catering to the creative minds of Architecture and Interior Design students. Here, imagination knows no bounds. Our workshop features cutting-edge technology, including high-end CNC machines, precise thermal cutting tools, and cutting-edge 3D printing capabilities.

Students experiment with various materials, explore complex architectural and furniture design forms, and bring their innovative ideas to life in tangible forms.

Computer Aided design

The lab consists of latest high-end Desktops with all the upgraded licensed software related to architecture and Design

The lab also has full size plotters for printing of A0 size sheets

The lab is utilized to conduct training programs and workshops for Faculties and students.




India International Design Conclave

Given by Institute of Indian Interior Designers for Support to IIDC

10 Must Interior Design Institutes in India

Given by Higher Education Digest.

Line Design Competition

"Shreesh Thakur in Line Design Competition Organized by Kalapentry in collaboration with the Dept. of Architecture, MIT Aurangabad"

Asian Paints Mosaic

Shreesh Thakur in Treasure Hunt organised by Asian Paints Mosaic

Certificate of Merit

Riya Hemdev of Student Hospitality Design Competition 2022


Exploring the unexplored

The areas of research include:
• Intercultural Philosophy • Eco-Philosophy • Technology and Human Values • Cross-cultural Philosophy of Religion • Peace Studies • Physical Education and Sports • Exercise Physiology • Sports Psychology • Sports Biomechanics • Health Education • Sports Management

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