The Department of Civil Engineering was established in Manipal University Jaipur in 2011. Ever since the inception, it has been imparting quality education to under graduate students. The Department presently fosters two PG courses. A good number of research scholars are carrying out research in various fields. The department aims to meet global changes in development, innovation and application of technology in the service of humanity. Many highly equipped research level laboratories is one of the key feather of the department. The faculty consists of eminent specialists from diverse fields and there is commendable research ambience in the Department.


Global Competency in Civil Engineering Education and Research for Societal Development.


  • Enhance the fundamental knowledge of Civil Engineering principles along with advance technologies to meet industry requirements.
  • Encourage experiential learning, inter-disciplinary research, and innovation to foster sustainable development.
  • Nurture leadership and entrepreneurship skills with professional ethics and good human values.






Faculty MembersHolding PhD








Geotechnical Engineering Lab

To provide hand on practice experience to conduct quality research and foster them to learn by doing methodology. Students learn to wide range of test from basic soil properties to advance tests related to soil strength and bearing capacity such as Triaxial Shear Test, Standard Penetration Test Apparatus etc.

Surveying Lab

The Surveying Laboratory has a wide variety of modern surveying equipment, such as GPS-based surveying equipment, total stations, Digital theodolites, and automatic levels for basic instructional and research purposes. Undergraduate students use the laboratory as an integral part of their surveying coursework and obtain any topographic information that can help their capstone design projects, such as highway design and land development.

Fluid Mechanics Lab

This lab facilitates a practical overview of the concepts of fluid flow, hydrostatics, hydraulics machinery and include calibration & operation of various types of flow measurement devices and along with comprehending basic and practical concept of flow evaluation of open channel flow/pipe flow/hydraulic machinery.Students could have hands-on experience on acquiring data and analysing the results of various fluid flow operations.

List Of Equipment/Experimental Research Facility
  • CLOSED CIRCUIT BROAD CRESTED WEIR APPARATUS: It is used to verify the discharge formula for broad crested weir with calibration and computation of coefficient of discharg
  • CLOSED CIRCUIT ORIFICE METER APPARATUS: is used to verify discharge formula and facilitate insight into computation of discharge through orifice meter.
  • CLOSED CIRCUIT VENTURIMETER APPARATUS: is used to verify discharge formula and facilitate insight into computation of discharge through venturimeter meter.
  • DOUBLE STAGE CENTRIFUGAL PUMP APPARATUS: is used to demonstrate the functionality of double stage centrifugal pump and measurement of its associated parameters under different conditions
  • CLOSED CIRCUIT FRANCIS TURBINE APPARATUS: is used to demonstrate the functionality of Francis turbine and measurement of its associated parameters under different conditions
  • KAPLAN TURBINE TEST RIG APPARATUS: is used to demonstrate the functionality of Kaplan turbine and measurement of its associated parameters under different conditions
  • CENTRIFIGAL PUMP TEST RIG APPARATUS: is used to demonstrate the functionality of variable head centrifugal pump and measurement of its associated parameters under different conditions
  • CLOSED CIRCUIT HYDRAULIC RAM APPARATUS: is used to demonstrate the functionality of hydraulic ram and measurement of its associated parameters under different conditions
  • CLOSED CIRCUIT MOUTH PIECES APPARATUS: is used to verify discharge formula and facilitate insight into computation of discharge through mouth pieces device.
  • REYNOLD’S NUMBER APPARATUS: is used as Reynold experiment for demonstrating laminar and turbulent flow structure
  • CLOSED CIRCUIT V-NOTCH APPARATUS: is used to verify discharge formula and facilitate insight into computation of discharge through V- Notch device.
  • PELTON WHEEL TURBINE TEST RIG APPARATUS: is used to demonstrate the functionality of Pelton wheel turbine and measurement of its associated parameters under different conditions
  • VENTURI FLUME APPARATUS: is used to demonstrate open flow structures and verify open channel flow resistance equations
  • CLOSED CIRCUIT GEAR OIL PUMP APPARATUS: is used to demonstrate the functionality of gear oil pump and measurement of its associated parameters under different conditions
  • CLOSED CIRCUIT FRICTION FACTOR OF A PIPE APPARATUS: is used to verify friction resistance changes with variable diameters and Darcy Weisbach equation of computing hydraulic losses.
  • CLOSED CIRCUIT RECIPROCATING PUMP APPARATUS: is used to demonstrate the functionality of reciprocating pump and measurement of its associated parameters under different conditions
  • CLOSED CIRCUIT IMPACT OF JET APPARATUS: used to measure the effect of jet impact momentum transfer.
  • METACENTRIC HEIGHT APPARATUS: is used to measure the metacentric height of a pontoon model with verification under different condition

Material Testing Lab

Material Testing Lab This lab provides a practical overview of the concepts of various mechanical properties of materials used for residential and infrastructure projects. This lab will introduce the students to basic theory and concepts of strength of material. Students will learn how to perform the test and what are the resemblance of a certain test to the practical use of it in the field.

paper published:

A comparative study on the mechanical and acid resistance characteristics of ambient temperature-cured glass waste and fly ash-based geopolymeric masonry mortars.pdf A study on the viability of fly ash and construction and demolition waste.pdf Durability analysis and optimization of a binary system of waste cement concrete and glass-based geopolymer mortar.pdf Influence of molarity and alkali mixture ratio on ambient temperature cured waste cement concrete based geopolymer mortar.pdf Siliceous fly ash and blast furnace slag based geopolymer concrete under ambient temperature curing condition.pdf"

MT (005)

MT (013)

Environmental Engineering Lab

Lab provide hand on practice experience to conduct quality research and foster them to learn by doing methodology. Students learn to wide range of test from physical characterization to biological characterization and foster them to think critically to provide tailored solution.

Paper Published:"https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/15/16/12220https://www.e-ijep.co.in/43-6-552-560/"

Details of project completed
  • Estimation of fuel potential of faecal sludge in a water scarce city, a casestudy of Jaipur Urban, India
  • Performance of an Integrated Settler Based Anaerobic Biofilm Reactor as Onsite Sanitation System
  • Performance of pilot-scale plant: An integrated settler based anaerobic biofilm reactor for the treatment of domestic wastewater
  • Effects of aqwise carrier media and brick media as filter materials on performance of biofilm reactor

Engineering Geology Lab

Through this lab practice, identification of minerals and rocks are carried out based on their physical properties. Application of Brunton Compass to explore the dip and strike of a rock-bed in the field is discussed. Demarcation of rock outcrop from the contour- and geological-maps, their profiling with an estimation and mapping of inclined beds are also carried out.

Innovative Construction Material Research Lab

ICM lab was established in the year 2019 with the support of externally funded research projects sanctioned by the Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi, and the Ministry of Mines, New Delhi. The lab comprises granulation assembly, a ball mill, an oven, weighing balances; and arrangements to measure concrete specimens' shrinkage, electrical resistivity, and resistance to corrosion of steel reinforcement. Till now, the lab has brought two patents and four research publications.

Paper Published:https://doi.org/10.3390/ma15227873https://doi.org/10.3390/ma15227873

  • Development of Ready-To-Use Assorted Sand for Construction Activities from Zinc Refining Wastes and Marble Powder- (Phase II).
  • Design of performance based concrete using sand reclaimed from construction & demolition wastes (File no. DST/INT/CZ/P-13 /2019).
  • Development of Ready-To-Use Assorted Sand for Construction Activities from Zinc Refining Wastes and Marble Powder (Met4-14 /16/2018 – Metal IV/ Record Cell).
  • Artificial sand and a process of manufacturing the same from waste marble powder.




Design of performance based concreate using sand reclaimed from construction and demolition wastes

Indo-Czech Joint Project

Indian Patent Grant on Upflow Septic Tank

It is hereby certified that a patent has been granted to the patentee for an invention entitled UPFLOW SEPTIC TANK as disclosed in the above mentioned application for the term of 20 years from the 13th day of December 2013 in accordance with the provisions of the Patents Act,1970.

Concrete Institute student chapter award

Best Indian Concrete Institute student chapter award won for consecutive years in 2020 and 2021


Start-up (Go-Green Pvt. Ltd.) initiated by students at UG level.

Gold and Bronge Medal

Ms. Pooja Yadav, recipient of Gold and Bronze Medal in State/National and International Strength Lifting Championship.

National Engineering Olympiad awarded

Certificate of Excellence in National Engineering Olympiad awarded to Mr. Deepam Kumar - UG student.


Exploring the unexplored

The areas of research include:
• Intercultural Philosophy • Eco-Philosophy • Technology and Human Values • Cross-cultural Philosophy of Religion • Peace Studies • Physical Education and Sports • Exercise Physiology • Sports Psychology • Sports Biomechanics • Health Education • Sports Management

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