The Department of Electrical Engineering, was established in Manipal University Jaipur in 2011. It aims to offer a comprehensive course in Electrical Engineering enabling students to pursue higher education or professional careers in their field of interest. The Department aims at becoming a leading department that has introduced courses to students, that covers latest Technologies and cutting edge domains to the curriculum such as Renewable Energy Sources, Electric Vehicle Technology, Control Systems, Robotics, Automation, Power Electronics, Drives, Power Systems and many more. The Electrical Engineering Department offers Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctorate programs which constitute of Industry focused syllabus.
Undergraduate, Postgraduate & PhD students have the opportunity to participate and work in the Research Projects & Tinkering Projects. The Department has well equipped Laboratories and provides platform to the students and research scholars to carry out all the practical experimentation. Department of Electrical Engineering has best-in-class Technology platforms for Power System Laboratory, Electrical Machine Laboratory, Control & Automation Laboratory, Integrated Electronics Laboratory, Microcontroller & System Simulation Laboratory and Power Electronics & Drives Laboratory.
Create globally competent electrical engineering professionals for socio-economic development with human and ethical values.
Faculty MembersHolding PhD
Cognizant GenC
Electrical Machinery Laboratory is conducted for undergraduate students in their second year. In this course, students perform basic experiment on transformers, DC machines, Induction motors and synchrounous machines. This laboratory is to exposed the students to the concepts of different type of machines and analyze their performance. Also impart knowlege on construction and performance of salient and non-salient type synchrounous generator,synchronous motor, induction machines and & DC machines.
The lab is equipped with the latest hardware and software tools to provide hands-on practical experience. Experiments are designed to perform on breadboard (Advanced Digital and Analog Kit) with the help of different types of electrical & electronics components, DSO, function generator and DC power supply. Advanced experiments are designed to perform on FPGA interfaced with computer having supported Xilinx Webpack software (VHDL/Verilog language).
Microcontroller is the brain of automation and control. The lab provides a simulation and interface platform with MATLAB, NI- LABVIEW software, Dig-silent Power-factory installed in 20 well configured computers. The lab is also well equipped with the NI Data acquisition card (DAQ-6009), Microcontroller AT89C52 simulation board with various interfacing modules like LCD interface, ADC & DAC interface, stepper motor interface, DC motor interface, interrupt interface unit, traffic light simulation interface, and lift control interface, Arduino and raspberry kits etc. The lab facilities motivate and attract students to take up and implement innovative and challenging projects.
This lab includes experiments to study different power converters their control strategy for different kind of load, DC-DC converter, Harmonics Analysis, performance improvement with freewheeling diode and AC Drives.
This Laboratory Course is offered by Dept. of Electrical Engineering, targeting students to pursue research & development in industries or higher studies in field of Electrical Engineering, including Economic Load Dispatch, Power Flow Management and Power System Protection. The Lab course familiarizes students with skills required for power system analysis in software environment. It deals with the practical understanding of various protection schemes required for motor, transformer and generator protection. Students are expected to have background knowledge on Power Systems Analysis and switch gear & protection for a better learning.
The Lab offers students to study the basic concept of control systems by applying and implementing Modelling & Simulation of Systems and automation used in the industry, targeting students who wish to pursue research & development in industries or higher studies in the field of Control Systems & Automation Engineering.
"MUJ provides a conducive environment for growth and learning and inspires its student to incessantly stive for excellence in every field"
"MUJ has been like a second home to me. It taught me the skills to help me get my way through life. The faculty has always been supportive"
"The EE Department at Manipal University Jaipur has excellent facilities and resourses that help students succeed. Studying in this department has given me the skills and knowledge to succeed in my career, and I am grtateful for the education I received here"
"MUJ is not only a place for knowledge imparment but, the University also provides a plateform for students' holistic growth and improvement that helps students to become efficient professionals"
" I'm grateful to MUJ and the Department of EE for providing me with enough resources and supports to help me build a good foundation for my career"
"MUJ provide a magnificent enviroment that refurbishes a student to be a professional" " The welcoming enviroment of MUJ as well as support provided by the erudite faculty of EEE department enables students"
"The Electrical and Electronics department and the Professor's at Manipal University Jaipur has excellent facilities and resources that helped me succeed. Studying in this department has given me the skills and knowledge helped me secure a good role at a great organization and thus helping me succeed in my career, and I am forever grateful for the education I received here."
Dr. Amit Soni (Co-PI) with Project Title “Structural, Electronic and Momentum Density Investigations of Novel Materials Applicable in Energy Conversion and Storage” from CSIR, Delhi with Rs. 22.16 Lakh (CSIR, New Delhi under EMR – II Scheme vide Letter No: 03/1502/23/EMR-II Dated 10th August 2023 duration of project will be 3 years)."
Dr. Amit Soni (PI) with Project Title “Electronic structure strategies and electron momentum densities of some important functional materials” from Department of Science & Technology, SERB with Rs. 18.95 Lakh (EMR/2017/005534, July, 2018) (Sponsored).
Dr. Amit Soni (Co-PI) with Project Title “Electronic structure of some technologically important materials” from CSIR, Delhi with Rs. 15.93 Lakh (June, 2013) (Sponsored).
"Dr. Amit Soni (PI) with Project Title “Experimental Study on Highly adequate and Flexible Pervoskites (CH3NH3PBX3 (X=1, Br,Cl) thin film solar cell materials for small scale applications” from MUJ, Jaipur with Rs. 3 Lakh (MUJ EF/2016/05-04, Nov, 2016) (Endowment Fund).
"Dr. Vishnu Goyal (PI) & Mr. Ritesh Singh (Co-PI) with Project Title “Development of an Efficient Hybrid Vehicle with Regenerative Battery Charging System” from MUJ, Jaipur with Rs. 2.98 Lakh (MUJ EF/2018-19/QE04-12, March, 2019) (Endowment Fund).
Dr. Manish Kumar Thukral won the first prize in 'Clean Energy Journal"
"Vinay Gupta, Jai Chheda, Saloni Jain “Design and development the Three-Way Solar Tracking System.” Indian Patent Application No.201821041506."
Vinay Gupta “ Self-cleaning solar PV sliding system” Indian Patent application no.202111049560.
Vinay Gupta, “Smart Courier Collecting Box” Indian Patent Application No. 202311056090
"Miss Rajasthan 2022" award show organized by Fusion Group Rajasthan
The areas of research include:
• Intercultural Philosophy • Eco-Philosophy • Technology and Human Values • Cross-cultural Philosophy of
Religion • Peace Studies • Physical Education and Sports • Exercise Physiology • Sports Psychology •
Sports Biomechanics • Health Education • Sports Management