Department of Biosciences was established in the year 2012 with an integrated approach towards higher education, research and development in diverse areas of Life Sciences. The department offers programs at Under-Graduate (BSc) and Post-Graduate (MSc) level in Biotechnology. The BSc (Hons) Biotechnology & BSc (Hons) Microbiology programs are specifically designed to learn about the fundamentals properties of living organisms and their impacts on the quality of life. The department follows the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) approved by the UGC and offers various Discipline Specific Courses, Skill Enhancement courses and Programme Elective Courses in all the programs. The PG course (MSc Biotechnology) is specifically designed to groom the students for advanced research and development. The department also offers PhD programme in different field of biological sciences such as such as Experimental Morphogenesis, Bioprocess Engineering and Downstream Processing, Nanotechnology, Bioinformatics, Structural Biology, Microbial Fuel cell Technology, Cancer Biology, Metabolomics, Molecular Biology and Animal Cell Culture etc.
The department aims to meet the targeted demands to cater the requirements of biotechnology/ biopharmaceutical/agriculture/microbiology-based industries apart from fundamental research. The Department train students as per the current requirements of industry and academia. Students are provided an opportunity to carry on research projects which may help them to grasp independent projects in future.
To enhance the research outputs, the department has done MoUs with different universities, industries and research institutes. The department has received external findings in the form of research grants from various agencies such as DST-FIST, DST-PURSE, DST-SERB New Delhi, ICMR, New Delhi, DBT, New Delhi, ROCL, Rajasthan, DST-Imprint, NMPB, New Delhi and DST-Rajasthan etc. Programs have been carefully designed with interdisciplinary, value added courses with focus on Employability/Entrepreneurship/Skill Development of the students."
Reconnect young minds about biotechnological advances, research and nurturing them into good academician, researchers and industrial professional for national and global needs.
Faculty MembersHolding PhD
BSc Microbiology
Manipal Centre for Biotherapeutics Research, MAHE, Manipal
BSc Biotechnology
Queensland University, Australia
BSc Biotechnology
University of Konstanz
BSc Biotechnology
University of Westminster,
BSc Microbiology
Northwestern University
MSc Biotechnology
Biocon Biologics
BSc Biotechnology
Yale University
BSc Biotechnology
Central university of Jammu
MSc Biotechnology
University of Saskatchewan
BSc Biotechnology
Humber College, Toronto
BSc Biotechnology
Queensland Universit, Australia,
BSc Biotechnology
IIM, Lucknow
BSc Biotechnology
IBAB, Banglore
BSc Biotechnology
BSc Biotechnology
CSIR-CDRI, Lucknow
BSc Biotechnology
IIT , Mandi
BSc Biotechnology
Yale University
MSc Biotechnology
CDFD Hyderabad
I have had an excellent experience at Manipal University Jaipur, thanks to highly capable, dedicated, and supportive faculty, practical hands on learning opportunities and top notch facilities.
Completed my undergraduate and graduate degree program in biotechnology from Manipal University Jaipur. The journey at MUJ was a great learning experience and I was fortunate enough to have received the prestigious Gold medals in both my degrees
As an alumunous of Manipal University Jaipur, I can attest to exceptional quality of the education nprovided by the university.
"In terms of ups and downs, life in MUJ was nothing short of a wild coaster. But I have picked up a lot of knowledge along the way. It has given me some fantastic opportunities that have allowed me to become a better student, senior, friend, leader, and most significantly, professional. I was able to hone my skills in my chosen area thanks to my experience in MUJ, which offered fully equipped labs where I could learn and improve my skills. I am very thankful to all my faculty members who have shown faith in me and provided me with all support and guidance throughout."
As a former university of Manipal University, I m immensly grateful for the education and experinece that I received during that time there.
I have had a fantastic experience as a students at this university, thanks to highly approachable and capable to faculty and diverse extracurricular activities.
The Experience and opportunities I have got in my college have been unparalleled.
As an alumni, I can confidently say that my time at this institution was nothing sort of transformative experience.
My journey with Manipal University Jaipur is definitely one that I will cherish for my life.
CSIR - NET - LS, ASRB- NET, Ramdas Pai Fellowship
ICMR- SRF 2022
CMR- SRF 2022
CSIR - NET - LS , Dr. Ramdas pai Fellowship
GATE- 2022 Dr. Ramdas Pai Fellowship- 2022
DST- PURSE Project SRF 2023
Industrial Project JRF 2023
Dr. Ramdas Pai Fellowship- 2022
CSIR-UGC-NET JRF 2023 (AIR- 192)
Qualified GATB 2023 (Rank - 81)
Qualified IIT JAM 2023 (AIR- 50) GAT-B & TIFR
Ramdas Pai Award for Professional Excellence, Manipal University Jaipur, 2023;
Innovative Young Biotechnologist Award (IYBA), DBT, India, 2008; MM Dhar Memorial Best PhD Thesis, CSIR-Central Drug
Recipient of prestigious Dr Ramdas M Pai award for professional excellence in 2023 by Manipal University Jaipur, Recipient of prestigious Dr R S Paroda Best Innovation award in 2015, Part of team that fetched DST- FIST fund of Rs 150 lakhs for the department at MUJ
"Young Researcher Award - 2022 and 2023 for outstanding performance towards research at Manipal University Jaipur by President, MUJ Bharat Shiksha Gaurav Award - 2022 for excellence in higher education at “Global Leadership Summit & Awards - 2022” organised by Global Education and Economic Development Forum (GEEDF).
Award for excellent and dedicated contribution at Manipal University Jaipur by President, MUJ.
Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Toledo, Ohio, USA (2012-2014);
Awarded with Schlumberger Foundation’s “Faculty for the Future Grant” for Post Doc Research and then as a Visiting Researcher at the University of Cambridge, UK for Two years (2017-2019)
Dr Ramdas Pai Award for Professional Excellence, Manipal University Jaipur (2023), Awarded with Schlumberger Foundation’s “Faculty for the Future Grant” for Post Doc Research and then as a Visiting Researcher at the University of Cambridge, UK for Two years (2017-2019)
Received DST WTI Funded research project from Govt. of India for an amount of Rs. 85.48 Lakh in March 2023 and SERB ECR Funded research project from Govt. of India for an amount of Rs. 30.09 Lakh in February 2017 (Completed by 2020)
The areas of research include:
• Intercultural Philosophy • Eco-Philosophy • Technology and Human Values • Cross-cultural Philosophy of Religion • Peace Studies • Physical Education and Sports • Exercise Physiology • Sports Psychology • Sports Biomechanics • Health Education • Sports Management