Dr Fakira Mohan Nahak

Director, School of Media & Communication

Dr Fakira Mohan Nahak is the Director, School of Media & Communication, Faculty of Arts, Manipal University Jaipur, with effect from May 01, 2024. He is currently working as Professor, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, School of Media & Communication, Faculty of Arts, Manipal University Jaipur.

Dr Fakira Mohan Nahak is a journalist turned academician. With around 24 years of working experience in media industry, academia, research and administration, Dr Nahak is a passionate transmedia storyteller who has switched over from newsroom to the classroom. He is a university gold medallist in MJMC from Berhampur University, Odisha. He has received his doctoral degree from the same university.

As a student he started working in All India Radio after qualifying the audition test. He has worked in the major media houses of the country like ETV Network, News18 network, Zee Media Corporation, Eastern Media Limited in different positions ranging from a Copy Editor to the level of Output Editor and News Editor. He has research interest in Development Communication, Health Communication, Environmental Communication and Broadcast Journalism.

Dr Nahak can be contacted at email: fakira.nahak@jaipur.manipal.edu and Mobile: +919937252464 Ext 944