Industrial Visit to Rajasthan Patrika Office

Mar 9, 2019

Industrial Visit to Rajasthan Patrika Office


On March 82019, the Department of Languages, Manipal University an industrial visit to the Rajasthan Patrika office in Jaipur, a prominent media house, with its mark on both print and cyber-television media.

The visit included an interaction with the block head of the media house, the keynote being the perpetually expanding media and the most suitable approach the aspiring journalists can hold to it.

The interaction was followed by a question round in which the students asked questions regarding the media houses and their work process to achieve an in depth and practical knowledge of the prerequisites required for a career in journalism.

The visit proved to be of exceptional value as it was immensely informative and provided a lot of practical knowledge.


Students of BA English of the Manipal , visited Rajasthan Patrika Jaipur main office for a two-day industrial visit (8-9 March 2019).  They were warmly welcomed by the officials on 8th March, 2019. Students were given a chance to have a look at the printing and editing process of the daily newspapers. They got a chance to see all the intricacies from of raw information to the final printable script and also saw the hardware, machinery and various other non-technical assets of the press. Statistical Report of daily newspaper production was also provided by the officials. Afterwards, a quiz session was also up and the queries of the visitors were quenched by Head, Digital Edition and State Head, Digital e-Rajasthan Patrika group. Fifteen participants including one faculty member visited the Patrika office. As per the feedback of the students it was a great learning experience for them.