Mental Health Week 2018

Oct 9, 2018

Mental Health Week 2018

The Department of Psychology, Manipal University Jaipur organised the Mental Health Awareness programme on the 9th day of October 2018 in TMA Pai Auditorium from 10.30 am onwards. "The Unheard" - a short play was performed by the students of the department as part of the programme. Dr. Prashasti Jain and Dr. Suyesha Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology were the Faculty coordinators for the play. 17 students of B.A. Honors, Psychology participated in the play including the volunteers. The script of the Play was written by Ms. Neeyati Uppal (2nd year, B.A. Honors) and Ms. Payal Mulani was the student coordinator (2nd year, B.A. Honors).

The Play showcased some of the issues faced by the adolescents such as peer pressure, parental pressure, academic stress, drug abuse etc. The title of the play "The unheard" depicts the inner voice of an adolescent which an adolescent feels difficult to express. The students, through their performance, expressed the unnoticed emotional experiences of an individual in the stage of adolescence. At the end, how such issues can be dealt with, was also suggested.

This effort made by the students of the department was well appreciated by the Chief Guest - Hon'ble President MUJ, Dr. G.k Prabhu, the Guest speakers of the day - Dr. Shiv Gautam and Ms. Singh, the faculty members and students from the other departments present in the auditorium.