41st All India Accounting Conference

Jan 6, 2019

41st All India Accounting Conference

School of Business and Commerce, Manipal University Jaipur and Indian Accounting Association jointly organized 41st All India Accounting Conference and International Seminar on Accounting Education and Research on 5th and 6th of January 2019. The event provided a forum for interaction between industry experts, academicians and research scholars on contemporary issues and developments in Accounting, Finance and Allied areas.

The two days event was inaugurated on 5th Jan. The event was presided over by Dr G K Prabhu, President MUJ. Dr. Subhash Garg (Minister of State for technical and Sanskrit Education) was the chief guest at the inauguration function. Guest of honor was Mr. Amit Anand Apte (President, ICAI) and Mr. Pulkit Abrol (Head Planning and Branding ACCA). Presidential address was delivered by Prof Karamjeet Singh, President, IAA. The event was conducted under the able guidance of Dr. G.K.Prabhu (President, MUJ), Dr N N Sharma, Pro President, MUj, Dr vandana Suhag, Registrar, MUJ, Dr R K Kamath, Additional Registrar, MUJ, Dr. Nilanjan Chattopadhyay (Dean, FOMC) and Dr M.L.Vadera (Director, School of Business and Commerce), Dr S C Sharma, HOD, BBA and Dr Gaurav Lodha, HOD, Commerce.

The conference was split into 5 technical sessions namely Fair Value measurements: problems and prospects, Audit of Computerized Accounting, Behavioral Finance, International Seminar on Accounting Education and International Seminar on Accounting Research. Total 247 research papers were show cased during these sessions.

TS 1: Fair Value measurements: problems and prospects

This session was chaired by Prof Ranjan K Bal, Utkal University Bhuvneshwar and co chaired by Dr Gaurav Lodha, HOD Commerce, SBC, MUJ. The keynote was delivered by CA Ram Mohan Bhave. He discussed 3 valuation approaches i.e., Cost, Income and Market. Total papers submitted in the session were 41 out of which 25 were presented divided into 3 categories A, B and C. Various empirical, conceptual and descriptive papers were presented as per the main purview of the session. The session explored significance, problems, prospects and challenges in the fair value measurement.

The second session was Audit of Computerized Accounting: Computerized accounting and financial decision making is the need of the hour. The session stressed upon exploring new research avenues in adapting computers and technology in accounting and related domains. 46 research papers were submitted in the session out of which 6 were presented. The session was chaired by Dr K Murthy, FCMA, FCA, Secretary IAA, Hyderabad Chapter and co chaired by Dr Kamal Kanth, Former Principal, Govt clg, Kasog. Keynote speaker was Dr M S Pahwa, Director Alumni MUJ. He highlighted the challenges of auditing in computerized accounting and how effective research can be conducted in the area.

Theme of TS 3 was Behavioral Finance. Since long the researchers and academicians were involved in quantitative research. However, this research failed to aptly justify questions like why investors behave irrationally, impact of emotions on financial decision making etc. Behavioral finance is an emerging financial research avenue which attempts to seek answers to such questions. In the quest of this knowledge, 74 researchers submitted their papers in this track and 25 of them were presented.

The session was chaired by Prof V Appa Rao, Osmania University and co chaired by prof ND Mathur, MUJ. The key note speaker was Mr B Deepak Kumar, co founder and ceo, Educesta Global Services Pvt ltd.

The theme for the fourth session was International Seminar on Accounting Education. Total 41 papers were submitted for this session out of which 7 were presented under two groups A and B. Chairman of the session was Prof K Eresi, Past President of IAA and currently associated with Banglore University. Co chair of the session was Dr S C Sharma, HOD BBA MUJ. During the session development of Accounting as a separate stream of commerce was stressed upon. The chairman of the session also explained the importance of upgrading traditional accounting systems into contemporary systems.

The fifth session was International Seminar on Accounting Research. Total 45 papers were submitted for this session out of which 15 were presented in group A and B. Prof Arvind Kumar past President IAA, Lucknow University was the session chairman. The co chairman was prof N K Sharma, Former Prof, Raj University. Keynote speaker for the session was Dr Vinod Kumar Murti, Country Head-India, Institute of Analytics, UK. In his address he spoke about the use of analytics in accounting research. He also narrated different statistical analysis which can be effectively performed using analytical tools such as R studio.

A panel discussion was organized on the 1 day of the event to discover new insights into the main theme of the event i.e. Emerging trends in accounting, Finance and allied areas. The moderator of the discussion was CMA Milind Date, Chief Learning officer, ISDC. The panelists were Mr Khush Ahuja, Head of business relations, ACCA, UK; Dr Vinod Kumar Murti, Country Head-India, Institute of Analytics, UK; Dr Ram Chandra Gowde, Registrar, Banglore central University, Mr Fenil Vadakkam, Country Head, CMA, US; Mr Deepak Kumar, Director, Global development Society of Stock Market Professionals UK and Dr Nilanjan Chattopadhayay, Dean FOMC, MUJ. Mr Milind Date emphasized how focus of accounting as a domain has shifted to financial reporting with the introduction of IFRS. Other panelists also shared their experiences regarding recent developments in accounting and financial decision making. They also stressed that universities should revamp their curriculum as per current industrial requirements and focus upon research.

Valedictory was arranged on 6th Jan during which certificates were distributed to the participants. Chief Guest for the event was Prof Nageshwar Rao, VC IGNOU and Guest of Honor was Mr Shone Babu, ISDC. Presidential address was delivered by Prof Karamjeet Singh, President, IAA. Director SBC Dr M L Vadera delivered a thanks note and expressed his gratitude to all the participants and guests for being a part of the event.