School of Hospitality & Tourism Management (SHTM) at MUJ is a distinguished institution, renowned for its meticulously designed programs in Hospitality, Hotel & Tourism Operations, Airlines and Event management. SHTM is dedicated to fostering future leaders in the dynamic hospitality and tourism industry. With an unwavering commitment to academic excellence, SHTM offers an all-encompassing curriculum that seamlessly melds profound theoretical knowledge with invaluable hands-on practical training. The school boasts state-of-the-art facilities and strong international affiliations, which collectively foster a global perspective among students, ensuring their preparedness for an array of diverse career opportunities. Graduates from SHTM are highly sought after by both esteemed national and international recruiters, effectively transforming them into industry-ready professionals. Going beyond the realm of conventional roles, the programs encourage entrepreneurial ventures in diverse sectors, encompassing travel agencies, cloud kitchens, restaurants, microbreweries, bakeries, and more. SHTM doesn't just prepare students for a career; it empowers them to explore a world of opportunities, transcend borders, and thrive in multifaceted cultural settings.


Achieve global excellence in hospitality and tourism education and nurture students into leaders of tomorrow.


• [M1] Become the most preferred department for purposeful learning among the hospitality and tourism aspirants.
• [M2] Foster academic, research, and professional excellence within the domain of hospitality, tourism, and other related sectors.
• [M3] Transform young minds into competent professionals in the field of hospitality, tourism, and other related sectors with strong human values.






Faculty MembersHolding PhD








Front Office Lab

The customer's engagement at the front desk frequently establishes the environment for the entire operation experience in the hospitality industry. Therefore, it is essential to give students the tools they need to handle the different scenarios of a front desk profession. Front office lab at SHTM give students the opportnity to put their knowledge into practice. Students learn how to react to front office simulations while playing the roles of concierges and receptionists. These role-playing exercises educate students to handle difficult clients, peculiar requests, and the challenges of their jobs with poise and assurance.

Training Restaurant

The SHTM Training Restaurant was designed to give students a unique dining environment to practice in. Here, students learn how to serve various cuisines to various clientele in accordance to a specified theme, from fast food to fine dining. Students are trained on the proper way to set a table, the placement of plates and cutlery, and how these things change depending on the type of meal. They learn how to run banquet operations, in-room dining, bar operations and specialty services. Students get aquainted with each cuisine has its own set of rules for service.

Training Kitchen

In the training kitchen, the groundwork for a career in the culinary arts is laid. Here, students learn how to use a kitchen and develop their culinary skills at individual workstations. The kitchen lab, which is furnished with cutting-edge amenities and tools, assists in instructing students in creating regional and international menus. Under the direction of experienced mentors, students advance beyond the fundamental preparations and  experiments on creating innovative dishes and the art of plate presentations.

Bakery & Confectionery Lab

Students at SHTM learn how to bake and make desserts in the Bakery and Confectionery Lab. Students meticulously develop their abilities and expertise as pastry chefs as they grow, starting with the fundamentals and working their way up to complicated patisserie production.

Accommodation Lab

For any lodging establishment, housekeeping plays a crucial role in the quality of the service provided. Students learn about layout planning, linen management, uniform design, laundry operations, gardening, and flower arrangement, along with other practical housekeeping topics, in SHTM's accommodation management lab.

Model Guestroom

SHTM has a Model Guestroom in addition to the MUJ guesthouse facilities having 25 rooms. These Guestrooms are prototypes of luxury hotel rooms in both style and design, here students gain first-hand knowledge of hotel room administration. Through routine upkeep and maintenance tasks of these rooms, they are instructed on how to maintain an appropriate level of decor.

Computer Lab

In addition to the resources of the MUJ central computer lab, SHTM has 12 AIO systems exclusively. These systems are essential for giving students a solid technical foundation throughout the computer course. The newest IDS Nxt software, which is used in the hospitality business, is installed on the 12 computers. It offers students the chance to become acquainted with the hospitality technical operations.




Certificate of Appreciation: Winner in Cricket

RNational Sports Fest (SPARDHA) organized by JKL University Jaipur

Certificate of Winner: Cricket

National Level Inter-University Annual Sports Meet (SPHOORTI) organized by APEX University Jaipur

Miss Maharashtra 2023 : 2nd Runner-up

State Level Beauty Pageant Competition titled Miss Maharashtra 2023 organized by SAIRAJ Films Production

Second Position in Music Competition

The Art Coliseum - Open Mic Event 2022

Renowned Shot

64th National Shooting Championship Competitions in Pistol Events

Certificate of Merit

National Level Debate Competition organized by S.S Dempo College of Commerce and Economics, Goa

SCOPUS Q1 Publication

Publication in SCOPUS Q1 Journal - - Awarded by President in Tea with President


Exploring the unexplored

The areas of research include:
• Intercultural Philosophy • Eco-Philosophy • Technology and Human Values • Cross-cultural Philosophy of Religion • Peace Studies • Physical Education and Sports • Exercise Physiology • Sports Psychology • Sports Biomechanics • Health Education • Sports Management

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