Seminar on Industry 4.0, Leapfrog Opportunity for India

Feb 16, 2018

Seminar on Industry 4.0, Leapfrog Opportunity for India

School of Hotel Management organized half day Seminar on "Industry 4.0, Leapfrog Opportunity for India" in association with Indian Society for Training & Development (ISTD) Jaipur Chapter and Rajasthan State Productivity Council (RSPC)


Industry 4.0, to put it briefly, is a mélange of many futuristic and advanced concepts and technologies which have the potential of transforming the production scenario in the 21st century mainly comprising of a 'connected shop floor' where data is collected from various sensors and other input devices to be used for predictive maintenance, better control and long-term analysis.

Key Note Speakers

a) Mr. T.P. Singh Uberoi, Vice President and General Manager, Hotel Clarks Amer, Jaipur

b) Mr. Mukesh Vyas, Director at WAE Software, WAE Consultancy Services and Patron, Winner Academy of Excellence

The speakers talked about the increasing digitization and interconnection of hotel products, value chains and business models. Students learned about the emerging technologies like data volumes, computational power, Internet of Things (IoT) uses in hotels and how it helps in increasing revenue generation & repeat business.