Product Carnival 2018

Mar 14, 2018

Product Carnival 2018

The students of TAPMI School of Business organized a two-day Product Carnival; 'AURA 2K18' on 13th and 14th March, 2018. This event consolidated a wealth of talent, diversity and variety of events on campus into one action packed program. The carnival marked it's beginning with the gracious presence of the Vice Chancellor of the University; Dr.G.K.Prabhu, who inaugurated the event.


The students put in tremendous effort in putting up 10 stalls which offered a variety of products and services. The stalls offered food & beverage, clothing, accessories, gaming activities and a photo booth service. The game stalls which included PS4, Pot Your Luck, Hoopla were enticing enough to make everybody try their hand at it. The food was relished by the faculty members and the students of the university. The students truly showed their business management and sales skills in the way they attracted customers and sold their products to them at each of their stalls.


The carnival gave the students a flavor of the real time business environment- the thrill and hardships of starting up on their own. It was a one of a kind experience that would be etched in our memory for a lifetime.