ONLINE WEBINAR SERIES 2023 "BLENDING FORENSIC SCIENCE WITH LAW" International Guest Lecture on the topic "Crime Spot to Court Room"

FROM 19 Jun 2023 TO 19 Jun 2023

Venue : google-meegt @ 1:00 AM


1.  Introduction of the Event

The event took place on June 19, 2023, from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. on google meet. The journey of a forensic investigation from the crime scene to the courtroom is a complex and multi-stage process that plays a pivotal role in the modern criminal justice system. It involves the systematic collection, analysis, preservation, and presentation of evidence in a manner that ensures both the integrity of the investigation and the protection of the rights of all parties involved. This journey, often encompassing multiple forensic disciplines, is crucial for the fair and just resolution of criminal cases.