FROM 30 Oct 2023 TO 02 Nov 2023

Venue : Manipal University Jaipur @ 10:00 AM


The Pro Bono Club organised Legal Awareness Camps on Consumer Rights from 30 to 2nd October in Begas, Sanjharia, and Moondia Ramsar, to reach and educate diverse audiences. It was a remarkable camp that brought much-needed awareness to the underprivileged sections of the society about consumer protection. The camp aimed to empower consumers with knowledge and information to safeguard their rights through a systematic and interactive dialogue by esteemed guest speakers specialized in this domain.

The rise in consumer manipulation can be attributed to the unethical tactics employed by vendors driven by their relentless pursuit of profit. These practices have persisted throughout history, prompting authorities to establish rules and laws aimed at curbing such behavior and fostering a transparent and equitable marketplace.

One such milestone was the introduction of the Consumer Protection Act in 1986, which sought to regulate transactions between sellers and consumers, with a focus on ensuring fairness and eliminating corrupt practices. Subsequently, this legislation was replaced by the Consumer Protection Act of 2019, which not only imposed stricter penalties but also broadened its coverage of subjects and conditions.

In a democratic nation like India, safeguarding consumer rights has always been a top priority. This shift in perspective, from "Caveat Emptor" (let the buyer beware) to "Caveat Venditor" (let the seller beware), underscores the commitment to protect, promote, and enforce the rights of consumers as a collective. The primary objective of this Act is to prevent violations of consumers' rights.

The Department of Consumer Affairs, operating under the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food, and Public Distribution, bears the responsibility of upholding consumer rights in India. This department empowers consumers to make informed decisions by disseminating information about the laws that safeguard their interests, their rights and responsibilities. They achieve this through the discussions, lectures, and informative materials like pamphlet, booklet, etc. of informative materials like booklets, brochures, fact sheets, and consumer guides, aiming to educate both the public and licensees.

Furthermore, in pursuit of the Act's objectives, the Pro Bono Club at Manipal University Jaipur organized a legal awareness camp dedicated to enlightening the public about consumer rights and responsibilities.